What do you charge?

How Much Money are you taking from me?

We build all of our pricing around 2 things..

  • Project Needs
  • Customer Budget

If you come to us with a project that will require 3 of us working 8 hours a day for a week, of course it will cost more than a 45 minute studio photography session!

I'm a business owner myself, and I've worked with many agencies in the past. I know the feeling of getting an estimate that is just absolutely out of the realm of what you can afford; that's why we build our pricing around our customers.

No matter the scale of the project, you have our guarantee that you'll be getting nothing but the highest quality + attention to detail we have. You don't stay in business long without customers who know the value of your work, so we always aim to make you and your business as successful as possible through our pricing.

What are your Deposit requirements?

Why are we paying you a deposit at all?

In the same way that we know how valuable your time is, our time is valuable too. All projects require at least a 30% deposit to begin the process. Allow me to present you with and interesting thought piece as to why.

Say we work on a project for a week and a customer ends up bailing on us and we never took a deposit. Now what do we have to show from that 5 days of work?

Only thing we got from that ordeal was a life lesson on why you should take deposits..

  • 30% deposits are required for all projects to get underway
  • 50% deposits are required for any manufacturing projects

Because manufacturing is typically very expensive, we require a larger deposit for manufacturing projects. Similar to the last example... If something happens with a manufacturing order and a customer doesn't pay, what the fuck am I gunna do with 4,000 pens with your company's name on it?

What do you specialize in?

What are you even good at?

From our inception, we're focused out efforts primarily on product manufacturing and photography. Our agency started out of a selfish need to learn how to do as much as possible in house, as we ran on a tight budget for a while.

The beauty that comes out of struggle is second to non, and we have grown our expertise to encompass all thing photography, videography, and product creation.

I'm not to proud to tell you; if I think I can't do something or can't do it to as great as you deserve.. I'll tell you. Your satisfaction is our goal, and if there's a chance our services would leave you unsatisfied, that's just not a project we would take on!

Now with all that being said, short answer is...

  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Branding/Product Manufacturing

What are your typical turnaround times like?

How long will you keep us waiting ?

We have been blessed with 2 things..

  • A diverse list of clients who keep us busy
  • A dedicated team who want nothing more than to get your completed project to you

We take a very holistic view of the project timetable, and try to budget in extra time in case any issues may arise. Now thankfully, they typically don't, and that allows us to deliver a product that is 100% complete to your specifications at or before (never after) our agreed upon date!

Now obviously, bigger projects will take more time than smaller ones.

Especially with any photography/videography work, there needs to be time to make a shot list, do the shoot, edit everything, etc.. As much as we would love to get you back everything as soon as possible, we still need our time to go in and get our hands dirty with these projects!

What services do you offer?

What else can you do?

As much as I would absolutely love to answer that question, I've actually already answered it! click the link here to be taken to our services page!