Who gives a fuck about castaway hq?

Your agency sucks, who cares?

Short answer is..

  • GQ does
  • Wired Mag does
  • Traveler does
  • Oracle does
  • The rest of Conde Nast does
  • Our countless Clients do
  • lastly... I do!

I started doing this when I was 18, I wasn't good at it until i was 22. For those of you that are familiar with our other business (and our namesake), Castaway Club Clothing, these are all things I've been doing for the brand since 2019. Everywhere else on this site, or our Instagram, you'll hear words like "us, we, our..." but it's all just me. Tim Lally. I don't put my name out in the front of the brand because the brand isn't about me. It's about doing great work for great people. I don't do this to make money, I do it because I know I'm good at it, and I know there's tons of people out there that can use the services I can provide.

I've never had a ton of money to be able to put into building up my business, so I know how hard it is for other small businesses to try to find people to help them grow. They either get one of these two things..

  • Someone VERY inexperienced who is giving you a great deal because they don't know how to charge, that's giving you the best work they can.. but that just wont help you get more business.

  • A big company/agency that tries to charge you $6,000 to get studio work to you or run your Facebook/Meta ads, and laughs you off for not being able to pay that.

That's not what I'm trying to do here. I do everything I'm able to provide for you myself. I've personally used every service I offer myself.

Everywhere else is "us, we, our...", here it's just me. No added professionalism. No fluff.

I hope we can work together on a project here soon. I promise you'll be getting the best and brightest Itasca, Illinois has produce

Tim Lally

Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit about what I'm doing and some of what I've done.

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Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit about what I'm doing and some of what I've done.

  • Services

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  • Studio Work

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  • Headshots

    Whether it's acting headshots or just shots for someone looking to spruce up their LinkedIn, we are more than able to accommodate!

  • Graphic Design

    Whatever your graphics needs are, we can more than meet the task! Fill out an inquiry form to get started and see how we can bring your projects to life today!

  • Product Design

    Lets work together to bring your product to life! Any size and type of product you'd like to make, we want to help you with!